South Asia ranks highest globally for intimate partner violence, and South Asian women are also far more likely to underreport domestic violence cases than other communities. These abuse patterns result in honor killings, and are perpetuated by a culture of silence and shame. 40% of South Asian women have reported intimate partner violence in their current relationships. And alongside disempowering legal, cultural, familial structures, Bollywood is also responsible for enabling abuse. From husbands slapping their wives to “keep them in line” to romanticizing assault, stalking, and coercion, Indian cinema have written abusers as heroes in many storylines. Most recently, Sania Khan’s life was minimized to a headline, when she spoke up about the stigma of divorce and was then killed by her ex-husband. How can we protect South Asian women and eradicate domestic violence? It begins with dismantling cultural norms that prioritize what society says about women’s mental and physical well-being.
When the Asian Financial Crisis hit in 1997, the IMF intervened. Today, 25 years later, the same is set to happen, as Sri Lanka plunges into an economic catastrophe, with Pakistan not far behind. This time, Asians are skeptical. Why? The IMF lends short term loans: loans with many strings attached. During the Asian Financial Crisis, they lent $110 billion dollars in packages to Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea to support them. The strings included higher taxes, interest rates, and budget cuts that caused massive unemployment, causing the Asian economies to spiral into chaos. The IMF focuses on privatization and competitive, capitalist policies that have devastating impacts on the Global South. And they refuse to look at real people and their suffering. What is the point of institutions when they only really serve the 1% who continue to get richer?
Tourism is complex. It’s also one of the fastest growing industries in Asia. Bloggers make a lot of money in countries facing extreme income disparity and economic upheaval. Tourism has come to dangerously mimic colonialism, leaving those who actually live in the destinations without basic needs. Many countries rely on tourism precisely because of colonialism and having their resources extracted, and so tourism is continuing a dependency begun in colonial eras. Some travel bloggers' behavior in previously colonized countries in Asia have perpetuated narratives against the locals of that country–and even gotten them arrested. Tourist photography also falls into the trap of objectifying people belonging to a certain place and gaining profit through them. But there is a way to travel ethically as an individual. Start with understanding the destination’s historical, political, and environmental contexts. Upon arrival, support local business, seek sustainable living options, and make the trip about more than just yourself. If locals are struggling to access freshwater, rethink your luxury hotel. You can also follow @lostwithpurpose and @baniamor on Instagram to learn from ethical travelers. Ethical travel begins with your consciousness.
Did you know Boho Chic furniture is rooted in an Asia torn apart by war? Rattan is a material indigenous to Asia, and has been utilized in South East Asia for centuries. But most Asians didn't sit on chairs, they sat on floors. European colonists influenced these pieces. Rattan can be found in tropical palm trees in countries like the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Today, Indonesia is the world’s largest supplier, providing 80% of the world’s raw rattan. The ‘Manila Chair’ became a fad for celebrities and politicians like Cher, Diana Ross, and John F. Kennedy. Western designers have integrated many designs that look like Asian rattan furniture, without crediting the cultures they come from. Instead, “Boho-Chic” furniture and aesthetic is often categorized as “ethnic” or “tribal,” grossly generalizing and erasing their roots. And the appropriation is expensive. Rattan chairs are sold for $800 at Pottery Barn, without clear understanding of how ethically the rattan was produced and manufactured.
Colonization historically undervalued, if not rejected, traditional Eastern medicine. Today, these same practices are making billions in the West. How has skepticism and superiority impacted our relationships with Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Eastern sciences? Globally, the Ayurvedic herbs market was valued at $9.5 billion in 2020, and is anticipated to reach $21.6 billion by 2028. The acupuncture (a traditionally Chinese procedure) needles market is estimated to reach $177 million by 2026. Alternative medicine is making a resurgence, spurred by the pandemic. Western science and medicine have been regarded superior, while centuries old Eastern practices are depicted as mysterious, exotic, and even false. Today these holistic approaches to physical and mental health, including relying on herbs, spices, balance, and diet, are reemerging with force. What does it tell us about global power and control? And is it shifting?
Di Asia, KFC jauh lebih unggul daripada McDonald’s. Pelanggannya hampir dua kali lebih banyak dari pesaingnya. Tentu saja ada alasan di fenomena ini. KFC adalah pelopor di pasar fast-food Asia. Mereka membuka outlet pertamanya di Filipina pada tahun 1966. Sejak saat itu, KFC telah tersebar ke berbagai penjuru Asia. Namun, alasan KFC sukses bukan hanya karena berapa lama franchise ini bertahan, tapi KFC juga memuaskan selera orang-orang dengan menggabungkan elemen lokal dan produk andalan mereka. Sebut saja ayam briyani ala KFC di Sri Lanka, donat udang di Thailand, dan bahkan Natal di Jepang pun terasa tidak lengkap tanpa satu bucket ayam KFC Antara KFC dan McDonald’s pun tidak melulu persaingan. Mereka saling belajar dan memengaruhi perkembangan masing-masing. McDonald’s pun mulai menjual menu-menu khas Asia. Ketika popularitas KFC mulai menurun di negara asalnya, KFC tetap bersinar di pasar internasional. Kesuksesannya di Asia terjadi karena satu hal utama: menjadi pendengar yang baik.