Di Asia, KFC jauh lebih unggul daripada McDonald’s. Pelanggannya hampir dua kali lebih banyak dari pesaingnya. Tentu saja ada alasan di fenomena ini. KFC adalah pelopor di pasar fast-food Asia. Mereka membuka outlet pertamanya di Filipina pada tahun 1966. Sejak saat itu, KFC telah tersebar ke berbagai penjuru Asia. Namun, alasan KFC sukses bukan hanya karena berapa lama franchise ini bertahan, tapi KFC juga memuaskan selera orang-orang dengan menggabungkan elemen lokal dan produk andalan mereka. Sebut saja ayam briyani ala KFC di Sri Lanka, donat udang di Thailand, dan bahkan Natal di Jepang pun terasa tidak lengkap tanpa satu bucket ayam KFC Antara KFC dan McDonald’s pun tidak melulu persaingan. Mereka saling belajar dan memengaruhi perkembangan masing-masing. McDonald’s pun mulai menjual menu-menu khas Asia. Ketika popularitas KFC mulai menurun di negara asalnya, KFC tetap bersinar di pasar internasional. Kesuksesannya di Asia terjadi karena satu hal utama: menjadi pendengar yang baik.
Last week the US Senate passed the largest investment for climate change ever, putting $369B into clean energy initiatives. It’s not as nearly as much as China has already spent, and doesn’t include helping poor countries cope with global warming, an act of reparations some say the US owes as the world’s largest consumer and polluter. The Inflation Reduction Act promises to private from fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, by up to 40 % by 2030. This is good for every single person, especially front-line communities in Asia who bear the brunt of the climate crisis like extreme heat and severe flooding. Is Biden’s latest climate bill going to be enough to reverse the effects of climate change globally?
India needs new leadership--one divorced from dangerous nationalism and dynastic politics. Modi may win re-elections in 2024, or the Gandhi family may revive themselves, but what India really needs is a new government. And an integrous, accountable leader that isn't shroud in corruption, but right now the pickings are slim. Modi, the boy who once sold tea at a railway station, stole the hearts of many and has now led India into what many have called afascist, Hindutva authoritarian state, indirectly encouraging violence towards Muslims. Rahul Gandhi, hailing from India’s unofficial ‘First Family’ (one revered for freedom, independence, and the good of the people), is now standing disgraced after numerous corruption scandals. Many have put their faith in Chief Mayawati, a Dalit woman who originates from humble beginnings, but even she has been accused of losing sight of the core values she ran on. India's 2024 Elections are fast approaching and though the options appear limited, there’s a history of manipulation and nepotism that isn’t new. The full history, here with Sanjna Selva.
Wenfang is a fashion content creator in Northwest China, who believes beauty should be free and not engraved by gender. His work is pushing boundaries in a village where splashy outfits and makeup will have you bullied and labeled as improper. To avoid harassment, isolated rural areas like a graveyard became the safest environments for Wenfang to create. Inspired by Chinese traditional style, Wenfang is known for color matching, costume, and set dressing–taking high fashion and incorporating it into daily life. One of his clear messages is: “If it looks good, why does it need a gender?” He wants people to know there’s nothing wrong with looking how you like, regardless of what others think. And as someone who has plenty of people on the internet cursing his ancestors, Wenfang explains that knowing yourself is the only antidote. Wenfeng only started taking these pictures after his mother passed away: he describes how much she had sacrificed her life for others. “If you have an idea, go ahead and do it. Don’t regret anything.” Today, Wenfang is working on an environmental theme, expressing through fashion how many things from his childhood no longer exist.
If Cambodia does not recognize Taiwan as an independent country, how successful will Cambodian authorities be in identifying over 300 Taiwanese victims trafficked, subjected to illegal labor, torture, and sexual assault? Taiwanese police have arrested 16 suspects who are believed to be involved in international crime rings trafficking Taiwanese people to Cambodia. The government says the victims are trapped in Cambodia, after being lured by scams promising high-paying jobs. Victims also reported being resold to other countries in the region. Last week, 9 victims returned home to Taiwan after being rescued during a layover in Thailand. Cambodian authorities said they’re launching a nationwide campaign to identify victims. But rescue attempts have been difficult since Cambodia does not recognize Taiwan as an independent country and the two governments don’t have diplomatic ties.
Leng the Barbarian is not a gangster, he’s a big brother in a family–one where male members endure 13 seconds of violence to belong, and female members (depending on if they’re “sweet” or “strong”) must dance or drink alcohol. This initiation, Leng explains, is a challenge meant to attract like-minded people: strong, determined, perseverant. This family has house rules, including not doing cocaine and amphetamines, or anything that can “ruin their lives”. They take care of one another like a family does, sharing everything from money and food to jobs and opportunities. In 2017, Leng founded The Barbarian, a group that was aimed to be independent, creative, and loud. As a child growing up in the slums, he had experienced watching fatal overdoses on his way to school, and grew up to become a thief buying drugs. Deeply inspired by Chicano gang culture and style, and listening to Mexican rappers like Lil Rob and Mr Yosie, Leng was drawn to how gentle the culture was from how they dance to iron their clothes. Chicano, a chosen identity for Mexicans who immigrated to Los Angeles, was once a term of derision and then adopted as an expression of defiance towards white assimilation. Not only did Leng integrate Chicano gang style into The Barbarian aesthetic, he built an imported clothing business focused on Chicano streetwear. He wants people to raise children with an open mind, and learn about Chicano culture by wearing it. Leng believes it’s their recognizable style that has made The Barbarians a target for police today.